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Tutorial for creating a J2EEUnit Test Case

This section explains how to write a test case, using J2EEUnit.

Step 1 : Imports

You need to include the following imports in your test class (this is because J2EEUnit uses JUnit as the client side application for calling the tests) :

import j2eeunit.*;
import j2eeunit.util.*;
import junit.framework.*;

Step 2 : Extend ServletTestCase or JspTestCase

Instead of extending TestCase as you would do if you were writing a JUnit test class, you need to extend ServletTestCase or JspTestCase. You would extend ServletTestCase to unit test servlet methods and JspTestCase to unit test simple custom JSP tags.

public class TestSampleServlet extends ServletTestCase


public class TestSampleTag extends JspTestCase

Step 3 : Standard JUnit methods

Define the following standard JUnit methods :

  • A constructor with a single parameter (it is the test name),
  • A main() method in which you start a JUnit test runner if you want your test to be executable,
  • A suite() method to list the tests that should be executed by your test class
    public TestSampleServlet(String theName)

    public static void main(String[] theArgs)
        junit.ui.TestRunner.main(new String[] {TestSampleServlet.class.getName()});

    public static Test suite()
        return new TestSuite(TestSampleServlet.class);

Step 4 : setUp() and tearDown() methods

As in JUnit, you can define a setUp() and a tearDown() methods. They are executed respectively before and after each test case. However, whereas in JUnit they are executed on the client side, in J2EEUnit they are executed on the server side. It means that you will be able to access the J2EEUnit implicit object (see step 6 below) within them. In other words, you'll be able to do things such as putting a value in the HTTP Session prior to calling the test cases, etc.

Step 5 : Signature of the test methods

This is where it is a bit different from JUnit ! For each test XXX that you want to implement you can define 3 methods (2 being optionals) :

  • void beginXXX(ServletTestRequest) : This method is optional and should be used to set up some HTTP-request related parameters before your test case is executed. Whereas the setUp() method is global for all test cases, this method is only executed before the test case of the same name (i.e. testXXX()). This method is executed on the client side.

The ServletTestRequest object passed to the beginXXX() method contains all the methods needed to set up the HTTP parameters. See the javadoc for ServletTestRequest for detailed information on the API. Here is a short summary :

addCookie(String, String)   Adds a cookie to the list of cookies that will be available in testXXX(), setUp() and tearDown() using the HttpServletRequest.getCookies() API  
addHeader(String, String)   Adds a HTTP header to the list of headers that will be available in testXXX(), setUp() and tearDown() using the HttpServletRequest.getHeader() API.  
addParameter(String, String)   Adds a HTTP parameter to the list of parameters that will be available in testXXX(), setUp() and tearDown() using the HttpServletRequest.getParameter() API.  
setAutomaticSession(boolean)   If false, no HTTP session wil be automatically created (i.e. the implicit session object will be null. See section 6 below for implicit objects). By default the value is true.  
setURL(String, String, String, String, String)   If used, simulates a URL. From the point of view of your test case, it is as if your servlet were called by this URL instead of the Redirector servlet URL (see configuration). The parameters are : server name (+ port number), context path, servlet path, path info, query string.  
  • void testXXX() : This is the test method. In it, you will instantiate the class to test, call the method method and write the checking to verify that the test was successful using JUnit asserts(..), assertEquals(...), fail(...), etc methods.
  • void endXXX(HttpURLConnection) : This method is optional and should be used to test HTTP-response related values that might have been set by the tested method. For example, you might want to verify that a cookie was sent back to the client, that a HTTP header has been correctly set, the returned servlet output stream, etc. This method is executed on the client side. J2EEUnit provides helper methods in the j2eeunit.util package (download the J2EEUnit sample application for example on how to use them) :
    • AssertUtils.getCookies() : retrieves all cookies sent back from the server side,
    • AssertUtils.getResponseAsString() which returns the server output stream as a string that you can assert.

The HttpURLConnection object passed to this method is the standard Thus you have access to all the standard API (getHeaderField(), ...)

Step 6 : Implicit objects

Depending on whether your test class extended ServletTestCase or JspTestCase you have access to different server-side objects.

Implicit objects provided by ServletTestCase

The following server-side objects are made available to your testXXX(), setUp() and tearDown() methods :

  • request : This is the HttpServletRequest object. Actually, it is a modified HttpServletRequest that overrides some of the original HttpServletRequest methods in order to return the parts of the simulated URL that may have been set up in the beginXXX() method using the ServletTestRequest.setURL() method. The overridden methods are :
    • HttpServletRequest.getServerName(),
    • HttpServletRequest.getServerPort(),
    • HttpServletRequest.getRequestURI(),
    • HttpServletRequest.getContextPath(),
    • HttpServletRequest.getServletPath(),
    • HttpServletRequest.getQueryString(),
    • HttpServletRequest.getPathInfo()
  • response : This is the HttpServletResponse object that will be used to return the HTTP response to the client.
  • session : This is the HttpSession object. It is created only if the automatic session creation is set to true (it is set using the ServletTestRequest.setAutomaticSession(boolean)), which is the default. If you have set it to false then the session's value is null.
  • config : This is a ServletConfig object. It is the configuration that comes from the Redirector Servlet. Thus if you want to test a method that needs a ServletConfig object to retrieve some static configuration values, you should define these values in the web.xml mapping section for the Redirector Servlet.

Implicit objects provided by JspTestCase

All the implicit objects provided by ServletTestCase are also provided by JspTestCase. In addition, the following implicit objects are also provided :

  • pageContext : This is a PageContext object. It is the page context implicit object available in any JSP page.
  • out : This is a JspWriter object. It is the out implicit object available in any JSP page. You should this object to write data in the output stream.

Additional methods provided by some implicit objects

Implicit objects are actually subclasses of standard servlet objects and provides additional methods to help unit test your code :

  • Using the config implicit object :
    • setInitParameter(String, String) : sets a parameter as if it were set in the web.xml file using an init-param tag,
    • setServletName(String) : sets the servlet name. This is the value that is returned by a call to getServletName()

Step 7 : Writing the test methods

You write your test methods the same way as you do in JUnit, instanciating the class to test, calling it's method to test and doing asserts to verify the results. The only difference from JUnit is that you can use the implicit objects defined in step 6.

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